Pharmaceutical manufacturer
The most important and renowned manufacturer of pharmaceuticals procure components from our diverse product-range.
Very often these are classic wear parts for existing manufacturing equipment, such as seals or valve diaphragms.
Providing our customers original spare parts for preventive- and corrective- maintenance, is our contribution to extend the lifetime of their investment to the maximum. Each client receives our full support to improve sustainability, of what we believe to be an important aspect of maintenance. We keep our customer informed about the latest developments of our suppliers to be able to take advantage of them.
Small- and medium- sized modifications on manufacturing facilities are mostly performed by the qualified technical personnel of many pharmaceutical companies in- house. We support them in the selection of the required components, they already know from other plants. In the engineering and project departments, we assist in defining specifications and standards that are most beneficial for successfully implementing new plants.
Plant manufacturer
We serve many leading manufacturers of customized designed plants, as well as those who are established with process-specific near-standard systems. As an outstanding example in 2011, a Hungarian plan manufacturer purchased more than 25 heat exchanger with multiple m² area-equivalence and a total length of up to 2,5m.
Mixing heads, radial seat valves and many other small components have helped many plant-manufacturers by installing high-quality systems for competitive prices within a record time.
In some cases, it also comes to difficult situations where we have proven our cooperation-service in all disciplines.
We are pleased to have helped them to strengthen their market position, which is proved to us by the great customer loyalty.
engineering and consultant
In successful project- teams, building new manufacturing facilities, engineering- and consultant- companies play an important and decisive role.
We support many projects, sometimes on request of the customers or sometimes on request of the planning firm, in choosing the right technologies, materials and dimensions of the components.
Note: For privacy reasons we cannot publish more details on these projects.
for any question or further informations. call: +43 1 587 29 47